What Are The List Of Games That Could Be Played For Brain Development ?

Brain development in chennai

There are various games that could be played for Brain development in chennai for improving the long-term working memory as well as decision-making skills.

List Of Games To Improve Memory:

Crossword Puzzles:

Playing crossword puzzles is one of the Memory Improvement Techniques as they are the most classic brain training games. These games help in testing vocabulary skills and need to be drawn from science, history, and popular culture. So, crossword puzzles can be performed online or through gaming apps or even more traditionally with printed books and newspapers.


The game of chess was designed to be intellectually challenging and mentally invasive which requires short-term memory to fully analyze the board and create a strategy for each move. So, players need to anticipate the moves of the opponent and make sure that each move works in a way to help in achieving the end goal. This action triggers long-term memory and exercises both sides of the brain in the shifting pattern.

Jigsaw Puzzles:

Jigsaw puzzles are one of the effective brain training games as it requires both right and left sides of the brain to work at once. They also reinforce the connections between the brain cells which improves short-term memory and mental speed. They also strengthen visual-spatial reasoning as it is necessary to look at the individual pieces and identify where they fit into the right picture.

Rebus Puzzles:

A rebus puzzle works well for improving brain power and memory. This puzzle asks a question and then clues to the answer are found in letters, numbers, pictures, and symbols. So, players must be able to remember cliches and expressions to solve the puzzles.

Thus, the Kids Brain Trainer has given a clear picture of all the above types of games for improving memory which also reduces stress and improves overall happiness at work.

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